Euromillions Lottery Rules


€ 77 million

Next Draw: Fri 14/02/2025

Time left to play
   hours mins secs

How to Play the EuroMillions Lottery?

The main goal in the EuroMillions Lottery game is to guess seven numbers correctly in order to win the grand jackpot.

The EuroMillions Lottery is drawn twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday evenings in the city of Paris.

The Draw

The EuroMillions draw employs two sets of balls. One set of balls is numbered 1 through 50, from which five random winning numbers are drawn. The second set of balls is numbered 1 through 12, from which the additional two random ‘lucky star’ numbers are drawn.

The draws are made from two separate machines. The machine from which the five main numbers are drawn is Stresa and the ‘lucky stars’ machine is named Paquerette.

How to Win

A player must match all seven numbers, five main numbers and two lucky star numbers, in order to win the jackpot. Players who match fewer numbers can still be eligible to win lesser prizes, depending on the number of right matches. The more numbers matched make the player eligible for a higher prize.

The basic EuroMillions Lottery ticket costs two Euros in all the participating European countries, namely France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Luxembourg, Ireland, Belgium and Austria. In most countries all players of the EuroMillions Lottery must be over 18, apart from the United Kingdom in which the minimum age to participate is 16.

Collecting Prizes

If after checking the results of a EuroMillions Lottery draw a participant realizes that he is a winner, he then has 180 days from the day of the draw to claim the prize. Prizes that are not claimed during the specified amount of time are forwarded to the ‘Good Causes’.

The Jackpot

The winner of the EuroMillions Lottery grand jackpot is the player or players who guessed all seven numbers right. If more than one player matched the numbers, the jackpot is divided evenly between all the participants with the right numbers on their playing slips. If there is no one winner- a player who has matched all seven numbers correctly- the money from the jackpot is ‘rolled – over’ to the next week’s draw and added to that weeks winning jackpot prize. The EuroMillions Lottery prize can only be rolled – over a certain number of times. If it has rolled over for 12 weeks, and there still isn’t a winning ticket on the twelfth week, the jackpot is then ‘rolled – down’ meaning it is distributed to the next level of winners- those who guessed the five main numbers correctly, and only one lucky star number.

A new rule added to the EuroMillions lottery in March of 2009, states that the jackpot in a single draw cannot be over 185 million Euros. The largest EuroMillions jackpot to date is 183 million Euros, a whole 2 million Euros under the limit.

EuroMillions Game Tips

Players across Europe keep wondering how to win the EuroMillions Lottery. While it is a lottery, a game of chance, there are some game tips worth mentioning.

One important thing to remember is that the prizes are divided into 13 tiers or levels. Even if a player doesn’t guess all seven numbers drawn in the EuroMillions Lottery draw, the chances to be eligible for any of the prize are 1 in 13. The height of the prize depends on how many right numbers a player has matched. You might want to consider focusing on EuroMillions ‘superdraws’. In these draws the jackpot must be distributed, even if there is no-one who has guessed all seven numbers correctly. The jackpot is distributed to the next tier of winners.

One way to make the most of your chances is to play more than one ticket per draw. You can get together with a group and purchase several tickets together, thereby maximizing your chances for guessing right numbers in that draw.

Another playing tip is to adopt and display positive thinking. When you enjoy the game and can foresee a good outcome, it might better your chances to win a prize.


Play the EuroMillions Now!


  • 2 Select your numbers


  • 3Select your playing style

Why play Europe EuroMillions?  

  •  Europe’s richest weekly lottery
  •  Regular rollovers up to €190 Million
  •  1-in-13 chance of winning a prize
  •  Guaranteed €17 million jackpot